Third Party Claims Handling Service
UNIRISC operates solely in the relocation niche; our adjusters handle only relocation claims - and they handle a lot of them, roughly 20,000 a year. They have seen it all: from the common broken china, and nicked or scratched furniture to the occasional van fire that consumes all of a transferees items, to the catastrophic warehouse flood that destroys several transferees lots all at once. This experience provides the expertise to settle claims quickly, and fairly thereby removing distractions from the transferred employee, allowing them to focus on their transition. This is why we consider claims adjusting the principal aspect of our product.
Knowledge gained from settling claims is passed on to future transferees in the form of pre-move insurance guides and counseling, preventing some claims from ever occurring while preparing the transferee for those that do. The end result is that even those employees that do not have damage to their shipment know that their employer provided a first rate benefit.
In addition, data collected during claim settlements is compiled into accurate reports that provide independent, quantitative, impartial statistics to use to analyze the performance of the van lines that move the goods as well illustrate exactly how premium dollars are spent.
UNIRISC Claims Team Statistics:
- Annual volume of claims settled: 20,000 - 25,000
- Number of “In-House” Claims Analysts / Adjusters/Assistants: 30
- Average experience level settling household goods claims: 10 years
- Average time to close a claim: 30 days
- Subrogation success level “received vs requested”: 60%-90%
- Customer service rating (Excellent / Good): 88%-90%
- Repair Services: 750
- Replacement Services: 10
- Survey agents: 1,000